brief scan of the information posted within each of your results
can help you to quickly determine if the specific page it links
to is relevant and worth a click.
all engines display results the same way and many offer options
for setting how the results will be displayed, allowing you to
contol how much information about the webpages is displayed.
the display of a result will start with some text from the title
or first line of the related webpage and then some other text
from the page. There will also usually be a date the page was
created and sometimes what language the page is in.
of the most useful and common bits of information displayed is
the URL (internet address) of the page.
will tell you that this is probably a webpage from the Apple company
website (www.apple.com). What’s more, if you go to this
webpage you can truncate the URL bit by bit to surf back up the
website categories until you find a category that might be of
interest to you. Truncating the URL to www.apple.com/computers/notebooks/accessories
will probably get you up into the category of accessories.......truncating
the URL to www.apple.com/computers/notebooks will probably
get you up into the category of notebooks.....etc.